A Pastor’s Toughest Decision: Why I Left My Call
I firmly believe God the Father has called me into His ministry and into the lives of people to share with them the grace, mercy, and forgiveness He has shown to us through His Son Jesus. Walking in mission with God has its costs. And sometimes the costs added by ourselves are a result of the stewardship of our time.
These costs are often personal in nature, as Pastors, we often put their own lives on hold for the sake of the church. The demands of the ministry call upon the heart of the Pastor to serve the church are more than often at cost of their relationship with their children and their wives. A call for a Pastor (and his family) requires placing healthy boundaries and rest, a Sabbath rest.
“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:1-3
Our heavenly Father saw the need for rest when His work done. If the Creator saw the need and established a time for rest, then why do we as His creation not always follow His lead and directive? Pastors can allow the demands and our own pride for the ministry to overshadow our need for a Sabbath rest. Two people can ensure the Pastor gets the rest needed. The Pastor himself and the congregation he has been called to serve.
This is a call for the Pastor to care for himself, because if you don’t care for yourself, how can you care for others? And, for the church he serves, take care of your Pastor. Make sure he is taking time off with his family and for a spiritual retreat. Surround him with your love and support, the rewards for all of you will be a Pastor who is rested and fulfilled both in his personal life and in his life as your Pastor.
As a veteran church planter, I had to learn these lessons the hard way. After 14 years of planting two churches and a child development center, I was tired and approaching burnout from ministry. I had allowed my pride of accomplishment to overshadow my responsibilities to my family. That is to keep my priorities aligned, God, spouse, children, and church. A much needed sabbatical rest was needed and after counsel with my District President and with my spiritual mentors, it was agreed this was exactly what I needed.
While we had a healthy congregation, we were not a wealthy congregation. They were not in the position to fund a time of sabbatical rest. To ensure the congregation would continue to grow, it became evident I needed to make the toughest call I would have to make, to resign my call at Messiah Church.
An interim Pastor was secured, leadership stepped up to fill in the gaps and the ministry continued to move forward with the mission God has equipt them to perform.
Thus we moved to Minnesota in October 2019, to be closer to Linda’s parents and our grandchildren. It truly has been a time of rest, renewal and reflection. This time has given me time to focus on my next season in ministry and to bring the past 14 years into perspective and given me a new directive in my continued ministry and service to my Lord and the congregations in His church.
Yes, it was the toughest call to make in a ministry, to know when it is time to step down, but it has been a blessing from God. I am rested, relaxed and ready to go with God!
In His Grace!
Pastor Doug